Kiteboarding on the Sanibel Island Causeway

I was leaving the island a couple of weeks ago, the wind was really strong and it was pretty cold (by Sanibel standards). Although you see kiteboarding and windsurfing on a regular basis in the back bay, this one guy really caught my eye. I happened to have my camera gear and my 400mm lens with me, so I stopped and watched this guy for a bit and he was totally amazing. I later found out that he is an instructor for a local kiteboard and windsurf shop called Ace Performer. If you ever get the chance stop in, it is a really cool shop! (this is not a paid ad). They have kiteboards, kayaks, Stand up paddle boards, windsurf equipment and all the gear associated with wind board sports. They also do lessons and rent gear. The shop is like a warehouse with gear hanging from the ceiling and stacked against the walls. It definitely brings out the inner kid in you! I have always wanted to give it a try... maybe I will now.